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Jakarta, Indonesia - 17 May 2019

A Sneak Peek on Melon Editor; a Level Editor and IDE for MelonJS Game Engine

You are now one step closer to making your dream games! Keep an eye out for Melon Editor, a video game editor and IDE coming out soon on early 2019!

What is IDE?

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) in general is a software development tool. It is designed to make software development more simple and easier, as it compiles all the basic tools needed by programmers to develop a software in one compact application. Moreover, it can identify, minimize and eliminate coding mistakes and errors. There are IDEs made especially for game development. Game IDEs are usually specialized and tailored to work with one specific game engine or framework. It has features that similar to the regular IDEs-will add practicality in managing your game development projects.

Melon Editor

Coming out on early 2019, Melon Editor is video game editor and IDE based on and compatible with the popular MelonJS Game Engine. Melon Editor specializes in 2D game creations on the HTML5 platform. With its user-friendly features, Melon Editor aims to allow anyone to make their own games, even those without advanced knowledge in programming.

Sounds good enough? Stay tune on our news article to know more about Melon Editor.