Melongaming GameJam on May 2018

Come and Join Melon Game Jam!

Anyone who is passionate about game is welcome to participate!

About Melon Game Jam

Create new game in 72 Hrs, in team of maximum 4 people, using MelonJS, an HTML5 based game engine. The end result shall be an innovative new game to be uploaded on to Facebook Messenger Platform.

Venue Melon Game Jam

Binus, Syahdan Campus

Day 1 - 11 May 2018
Networking, Opening, Sharing, and Brainstorm
Day 2 - 12 May 2018
Games, User Profile and Game Page Deadline, and Playtest
Day 3 - 13 May 2018
Tech Talk, Development Deadline, Announcement and Closing


Your game will be reviewed by these amazing peoples :

Olivier Biot
Founder MelonJS

Rangga Gandina
Facebook Representative

Andry Chowanda
Head of Program - Game Application and Technology

Rules and Regulations

These are rules and regulations for this event :


Gamejam frequently asked questions :

  1. What is Melon Game Jam?

    Melon Game Jam is like most of other game jams, but the game engine that must be used in this competition is only melonJS, HTML5 based game engine.

    Apa itu Melon Game Jam?

    Melon Game Jam sama seperti game jam pada umumnya, tetapi game engine yang wajib digunakan dalam kompetisi ini hanya melonJS, game engine berbasis HTML5.

  2. How can I get the information about melonJS?

    To find out and learn a bit about melonJS, participants can learn from below links:
    Or you can directly ask US by sending emails, our game engineers will be gladly to support you.

    Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan info tentang melonJS?

    Untuk mengetahui dan belajar tentang melonJS, calon peserta bisa belajar dari link berikut ini:
    atau kalian juga dapat bertanya langsung kepada kami, game engineers kami akan dengan senang hati membantu kalian.

  3. What are the requirements to join Melon Game Jam?

    The top requirement is you have to be at least 17 years old. Moreover, you have to love games.

    Apa syarat mengikuti Melon Game Jam?

    Syarat wajibnya yaitu usia kamu minimal 17 tahun. Selain itu, kamu juga harus menyukai game.

  4. Can I join Melon Game Jam individually?

    You are allowed to participate in Melon Game Jam either individually or in team. Just make sure, that you have learn a bit about melonJS prior participating in this competition because it will be easier for you and your team to create game in such a short time.

    Apakah saya bisa mengikuti Melon Game Jam secara individual?

    Kamu boleh mengikuti Melon Game Jam baik secara individual atau pun tim. Pastikan kalau kamu sudah sedikit belajar tentang melonJS sebelum mengikuti kompetisi ini karena akan lebih mudah nantinya bagi kamu dan tim kamu untuk membuat game dengan waktu yang sangat singkat.

  5. Can I join the game jam if I don’t live in Jakarta?

    Yes, you can join this competition wherever you live, but do notice that we, the committee will not bear your accommodation to Jakarta. For the stay, participants are allowed to sleep at the venue and the committee will be there 24 hours to assist you should you need any help.

    Apakah saya bisa mengikuti kompetisi ini kalau saya tidak tinggal di Jakarta?

    Ya, kamu boleh mengikuti kompetisi ini dimanapun domisili kamu, hanya saja perlu diperhatikan bahwa kami, panitia tidak menanggung akomodasi perjalanan kamu dari kota domisili kamu. Untuk penginapan, peserta diperbolehkan untuk menginap di venue berlangsungnya kompetisi, panitia akan berada disana 24 jam untuk membantumu jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan.

  6. What are the criteria to determined the winner in Melon Game Jam?

    The juries will consider some things as per below:
    6.1. Game concept. How well does it match the theme?
    6.2. Playability. Is the game fun and challenging enough?
    6.3. Art & Design.
    6.4. Instant Game Social Feature. To Increase recurring users.
    6.5. Creativity.
    6.6. Instant Game Features. How your game is best using the Instant Games Features.

    Apa saja kriteria penilaian game dalam Melon Game Jam?

    Penilaian akan diberatkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa hal sbb:
    6.1. Konsep game. Kesesuaian dengan tema.
    6.2. Playability. Apakah game tersebut menarik dan cukup menantang.
    6.3. Art & design.
    6.4. Fitur Sosial Instant Games. Untuk meningkatkan pengguna yang kembali.
    6.5. Kreativitas.
    6.6. Fitur Instant Games. Bagaimana game nya menggunakan fitur Instant Games.

  7. When and where Melon Game Jam will be held?

    Melon Game Jam will be help on 11th-13th of May 2018 at Syahdan Campus, Binus, Kemanggisan, West Jakarta. The event will be opened for re-registration at 9am and the opening will be at 2pm.

    Kapan dan dimana Melon Game Jam ini akan diadakan?

    Melon Game Jam akan diadakan pada tanggal 11-13 May 2018 di Kampus Syahdan, Binus, Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat. Acara ini akan berlangsung mulai dari jam 9:00 untuk registrasi ulang di tempat dan pembukaan akan diadakan pada jam 14:00.

  8. How long Melon Game Jam will last?

    Melon Game Jam will last for 3 days from 11th-13th May 2018. On 13th of May at 5pm the competition will be over and the participants can start presenting their games.

    Berapa lama Melon Game Jam akan berlangsung?

    Melon Game Jam akan berlangsung selama 3 hari dari tanggal 11-13 May 2018. Pada tanggal 13 May 2018 pukul 17:00 kompetisi akan berakhir dan peserta dapat mulai untuk mempresentasikan game mereka.

  9. Do I have to bring my on tools and equipments i.e. laptop, pen tablet, etc.?

    Yes, participants should bring their own tools and equipment or anything that you need during this game jam.

    Apakah saya harus membawa peralatan sendiri, seperti laptop, pen tablet, dan lain-lain?

    Iya, peserta diharapkan dapat membawa peralatan mereka sendiri atau apapun yang mereka butuhkan selama game jam.

  10. Do I need to have experience in developing games in prior?

    Experience is not the requirement in this competition, anybody can join this event, but it’s better if you have basic of programming.

    Apakah saya harus memiliki pengalaman dalam membuat game sebelumnya?

    Peserta tidak harus mempunyai pengalaman terlebih dahulu, siapa saja dapat mengikuti acara ini, lebih baik jika kamu mengerti dasar programming.

  11. What are the prizes?

    The first, second and third winner will get money prize and also chance to be published on to Facebook Instant Games. For those chosen participants should ensure that their games are polished enough prior being reviewed by Facebook Developers team.

    Apa saja hadiah yang akan diraih pemenang?

    Pemenang pertama, kedua dan ketiga akan mendapatkan hadiah uang dan juga kesempatan untuk dipublikasikan ke Facebook Instant Games. Bagi peserta yang gamenya terpilih untuk dipublikasikan ke Facebook Instant Games, harus memastikan bahwa gamenya cukup polished sebelum di-review oleh Facebook Developer Team.

  12. How is the revenue sharing for the chosen participants?

    Participants and Melon Gaming will share 50-50 of the revenue made from ads and in-app purchase. Therefore, it is very important that the game is integrated with social feature such as multiplayer or chat.

    Bagaimana pembagian keuntungan untuk peserta yang game nya dipublikasikan ke Facebook Instant Games?

    Peserta dan Melon Gaming akan membagi hasil sebesar 50-50 dari hasil keuntungan yang didapatkan dari ads dan in-app purchase dari game tersebut. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting agar game yang kamu buat terintegrasi dengan fitur sosial seperti multiplayer atau chat.

Getting Started

You can go to to learn more about MelonJS. Or check these link below :

melonJS is a lightweight yet powerful HTML5 framework designed from the ground up to provide a true plugin-free 'write-once, run-everywhere' gaming platform. melonJS is an open-source project and supported by a community of enthusiasts.


Here are the winners of the event :

Third Place - Team Mantap - Dreamagination

Story takes place in dream world. The genre is Top-to-bottom sidescrolling arcade shooting game. The main character is falling down from reality to dream world to fight nightmare. Main character needs to avoid obstacles and can shoot stars to destroy obstacles and bosses. The objective is to go as far as you can and score the highest possible.

Second Place - Palugada - Endless Tower

Story takes place in an endless auto-generated vertical maze tower. The main character needs to go as high as he can, by bump-jumping into the wall through the maze and collect collectibles while avoiding dangerous obstacles to score the highest possible.

First Place - Melon Bundar - Pakapa's King

Story takes place in Pakapa kingdom, we need to defend the fortress from attacking Wakakawa tribe by solving match-3 puzzle. Soldier, wizard, guardian, and crystal are the puzzle piece, they have different effect upon matched. The objective is to survive as long as possible and score the highest possible. This game was selected by the jury because it was mixing the match 3 genre with a RPG game, and standing out from other games in terms of idea.

Congratulations to all winners. See you at the next Melon Game Jam!

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